The back to school period can be stressful, with all its challenges and transitions. Discover five relaxing activities that will give you a moment of peace and tranquility.

1. Meditation

Take time every day to relax and reduce accumulated stress through meditation. It's a powerful practice for calming your mind and creating a state of inner calm. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Spend a few minutes observing your thoughts without judging them. This can help you to step back from everyday tensions and return to a peaceful state.

2. Walk in nature

There's nothing like an energizing walk outside to escape the stress of the city and recharge your batteries. Find a park, forest, or trail near you and take the time to connect with nature. Fresh air, trees and a relaxing landscape can reduce the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body and increase your general wellbeing. In Quebec, there are many trails to visit that offer beautiful views!

3. Yoga session

Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation to promote relaxation and strength the body. Choose a soft yoga or yoga nidra sequence to relax your nervous system and release accumulated muscular tension. Éconofitness offers GoFitness Zen Yoga and LesMills BodyBalance classes, depending on the type of yoga you're looking for to relieve back-to-school stress.

4. Calming evening reading

Reading is a classic form of release that allows you to mentally escape and physically relax. Choose books that inspire you, such as light fiction, personal development works or other types. Make yourself comfortable after class and let your mind travel to another world without leaving your living room. 

5. Listen to inspiring podcasts

Podcasts are a source of inspiration and knowledge accessible at any time of day. Choose podcasts that deal with subjects you're passionate about, or that offer practical advice to improve your personal and professional wellness. To relax as much as possible, listen to a podcast before class and on your way home.

Whether you choose meditation or listening to podcasts, these activities are a powerful way to combat back-to-school stress. Take care of yourself and discover how every moment of relaxation can transform your daily life. Ready to make back to school a time of calm and recharge your batteries?


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