For the purposes of these Policies and Terms and Conditions, "Éconofitness" means Vivre en Forme inc. and its affiliates.

1. GST and QST are added to all listed prices.

2. In case of returned payment, you will be charged $20 (plus taxes).

3. In order to take advantage of the "rate freeze" option, the member must re-enroll prior to the expiration of their current contract. They must also keep the same type of membership. This applies to the membership cost before discounts and before taxes. Only offered when subscribing: by adding $1.75 (plus taxes) to your biweekly payments, your membership fee will remain the same as long as you remain a member and keep the same type of membership.

Termination of the contract

"Clause required under the Consumer Protection Act.
(Contract entered into by a merchant operating a fitness studio)
The consumer may cancel this contract without cost or penalty before the merchant has begun to perform his principal obligation by sending the attached form or another written notice to that effect to the merchant.
If the merchant has begun to perform his main obligation, the consumer may cancel this contract within a period equal to 1/10 of the duration provided for in this contract by sending the attached form or another written notice to that effect to the merchant. This period has as its starting point the moment when the trader begins to perform his principal obligation. In this case, the merchant may only require the consumer to pay more than one-tenth of the total price provided for in the contract.
The contract is terminated, without further formality as soon as the form or notice is sent.
Within 10 days following the termination of the contract, the merchant must return to the consumer the money he owes him.
The consumer should consult sections 197 to 205 of the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1) and, if necessary, contact the Office de la protection du consommateur. » R.R.Q., 1981, c. P-40.1, r. 1, s. 47.

4. After the period provided for in the Consumer Protection Act to cancel without charge, if the consumer wishes to terminate the contract before the end of the term, they must notify the merchant of this intention in writing by filling out the cancellation form provided for this purpose, available in the Member’s Login, by sending it by registered mail, or by handing it in to their gym manager. The date on which the application is mailed or hand-delivered to the merchant will be considered the reference date. The member also agrees unreservedly to pay the merchant a termination fee that represents the administrative charges for contract cancellation. In addition, the member agrees to pay for the equivalent of the days elapsed between the membership date and the termination date, as well as the value of items included as part of the membership package.

5. Under Québec's Consumer Protection Act, we will charge you 10% of the total cost of your membership if you cancel within 37 days of your membership.

After the 37-day period, you may cancel your membership at any time during your contract period. However, we will charge you a $65.00 administrative fee. The merchant may change this fee without notice upon renewal, if applicable.

6. Éconofitness reserves the right to terminate the contract in the event of non-payment, non-compliance with the Policies and Terms and Conditions, non-compliance with the code of conduct or any other breach of the regulations and laws in force.

Terms and Conditions

7. The member will receive the information and communications related to their file at Éconofitness at the email address indicated on the contract. Official communications from or related to Éconofitness are done exclusively by email.

8. You can upgrade your membership at any time. Note that when you upgrade your membership, a new one-year contract is created on that date. If needed, a credit is applied to the new contract if a payment has already been received on your original contract.

9. To downgrade your membership, you must cancel the current membership, pay the applicable fees and select your new membership plan.

10. The contract is valid between the dates indicated on it. No suspension or extension of the term is possible under any circumstances, including moving or medical reasons.

11. This membership may not be assigned, transferred, or resold in any way.

12. Members (and their guests) are prohibited from selling or consuming any product not approved by management in the gym, locker rooms and any other related areas.

13. Soliciting other members is also prohibited.

14. To obtain an access card to the gym, members must show up with an ID while there is an employee on the site.

Risk acceptance

15. According to the type of membership chosen, Éconofitness offers the following to its members: gyms, equipment, fitness programs, classes, and explanation videos to practise physical activity. The member accepts the risks inherent in the practice of physical activity and the use of what is made available to him.

Any physical activity carries a risk of traumatic injury such as back pain (herniated disc), tendinopathy, inflammatory injury, or muscle strain. These injuries are usually related to a lack of warm-up, lack of lumbar and abdominal stability, overloading, poor workout technique, lack of stretching after exercise or too little recovery time between exercises.

Moderate to high-intensity physical activity may also pose a risk for cardiovascular events. However, except in the presence of cardiovascular disease for which risk factors would have already been evident, the risk of adverse cardiovascular events during physical activity is extremely low in apparently healthy adults and adolescents and is generally outweighed by the considerable health benefits that physical activity confers.

Even members who are in optimal physical condition are at risk of injury during a workout. A sedentary lifestyle, old age, osteoarthritis, or being overweight are some of the conditions that can put some members at greater risk for a workout-related injury. ALL MEMBERS SHOULD CONSULT THEIR PHYSICIAN BEFORE UNDERTAKING ANY FITNESS PROGRAM.

16. The member agrees to indemnify Éconofitness, its affiliates and their representatives from all causes of action that may arise out of the negligence of the member or the member's guests while using the gym, facilities or equipment, including all legal and expert fees that may be necessary for the member's full defence.

17. The member and their guests are solely responsible for their personal belongings brought into the Gym. The member releases Éconofitness from any responsibility in case of loss or thef.

Access to the gym and classes

18. A valid photo ID will be required at your first visit in order to receive your membership card or access bracelet.

19. Members must present their membership card or access bracelet at each visit in order to have access to the gym. In the event of loss of a card or bracelet, the member will be charged $15 (plus taxes) for a replacement card or $20 (plus taxes) for a replacement bracelet.

20. Members are strictly prohibited from giving access to another person who is not a member or who does not have their card or bracelet (except for emergency services), including opening the door even if you know the person. Offenders of these regulations are liable to prosecution and Éconofitness reserves the right to immediately terminate their membership.

21. The wearing of proper indoor running shoes and the use of a towel are mandatory in all gyms and fitness settings. Shoes worn outside are not allowed in the gym. The member must comply with the other policies and regulations posted in the Gym, including the principles of hygiene (e.g., sweating and smelly clothes). Rules may vary from one gym to another.

22. The member must respect other members and employees and treat them in a way that does not bother or intimidate them – we have zero tolerance for such behaviour.

23. We do everything in our power to ensure continuous opening according to the posted opening hours of all of our gyms. However, certain situations beyond our control may occasionally arise. Thus, we reserve the right to temporarily close the Gyms, without monetary compensation, in the event of force majeure, power failure, internet failure, unsafe training environment or for any other reason that we deem valid.

24. The member acknowledges that there may be occasional equipment failures, service breakdowns, delays in opening, or other situations where reasonable time may be required to restore the situation. In such cases, no monetary compensation will be given.

25. Our women-only gyms (“Au Féminin”) are reserved for individuals who identify as women only. However, men may occasionally be present for operational purposes, such as equipment repairs or accompanying a member during the registration process. We ensure that these situations are handled with care to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

26. Hours of operation, 24/7 access and group class schedules are subject to change without notice with a note on the local page of the econofitness.ca website.

27. Members who access to the Gym during periods when there are no employees present on the premises (in participating gyms, see the schedule on the website or on the door of the gym). The member accepts all risks arising from and associated with working out or attending the gym when there is no employee on the premises. A valid membership card or bracelet is required to access the Gym during these periods. The member agrees to respect the rules stipulated in the Éconofitness code of conduct posted at the gym. Some services are reduced or unavailable during hours without an employee present on the premises. In order to gain access to the Gym when there is no employee, you must scan your card or bracelet on the black reader near the door.

Conditions for minors

1. ​The member under 18 years of age declares that they have the consent of their parent or legal guardian, who has previously read and understood the terms and conditions of the membership and the conditions for minors. (See mandatory form to be completed by the parent or legal guardian.)

2. Members under 18 years of age must bring a parent or legal guardian to the gym on their first visit to pick up their membership card or access bracelet. The parent or legal guardian must provide proof of parentage or guardianship.

3. Members under 18 years of age cannot access the tanning service according to the provincial law in force in Québec.

4. During the "Free Trial" days, minors aged 14 to 17 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

5. Persons under the age of 14 cannot be admitted, at any time and for any reason, to an Éconofitness Gym.

Specific conditions for memberships

The descriptive list of each type of membership as well as the schedule of group classes are available at all times on the econofitness.ca website.

WEEKEND memberships:

1. Are valid only at the address indicated on the contract. It is possible to change location after the agreement has been signed by paying a fee of $49.99 (plus taxes) at each change.

2. Are valid only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays of each week between the start date and the end date of the contract;

3. Are valid only during the hours with employees on site. These are subject to change without notice.

4. Weekend members can access the showers for only $1/3 minutes.

ÉCONO memberships:

1.Are valid only at the address indicated on the contract. It is possible to change location after the agreement has been signed by paying a fee of $49.99 (plus taxes) at each change.

2. Are valid during the hours with employees on site. These are subject to change without notice.

3. Écono members can access the showers for only $1/3 minutes.

PLATINUM and EXTRA memberships:

1. Platinum and Extra members can train at any of the gyms in the network (see the official list on the website, which can be changed without notice and without compensation to the member).

2. Only one person (Platinum and Extra member or Platinum Extra guest) is allowed in the gym at a time - you or your guest. Guests do not have access to the Platinum Zone and must be 14 years old or older. 

3. Platinum and Extra members remain responsible for their guests’ behaviour.

4. Only one membership card or bracelet is available per membership.

5. Platinum and Extra members must present their access card or bracelet to an employee to use the tanning equipment (18 years and older). (Not accessible during the hours without an employee on the premises.)

6. Members must clean the tanning equipment and the hydromassage beds after each use.

7. In accordance with the Government of Canada guidelines for indoor tanning, tanning equipment is restricted to persons 18 years of age and older. All users must comply with the SMART tanning rules. Protective eyewear is mandatory when using the tanning equipment.

8. Platinum and Extra members must scan their access card or bracelet on the reader to activate the massage chairs and hydromassage beds.

9. Platinum and Extra members must scan their access card or bracelet on the reader to activate the showers and all other areas to which they have access.

10. I acknowledge that my membership gives me the right to share access with family members 14 years of age and older or friends. I declare that I am jointly and severally liable with any person with whom I share my membership and to indemnify Éconofitness for any damages that may be caused to Éconofitness, its directors, officers, employees and representatives or other members, by any person with whom I share my membership, whether on a contractual or extra-contractual basis.

EXTRA memberships:

1. EXTRA members have access to group classes with an on-site coach.

2. In the case of group classes with a coach, a class is officially given if the gym manager judges that there are enough registrations or participants.

3. Member registration for a class is on a first come, first served basis and space is limited.

4. In order to access the group class with a coach, Extra members must have their access card or bracelet with them at all times.

5. Members must return equipment to its proper place after use.

Members' Code of Conduct

1. Outdoor shoes are not allowed inside the gym. This rule will be reinforced from November 15th to April 15th.

2. Éconofitness is not responsible for forgotten, lost or stolen items. Please empty the contents of your locker before leaving the gym. Lockers will be emptied and locks will be cut every night.

3. Always replace your weights after each use. Do not drop your weights on the floor.

4. Users of the 30-Minute Express Circuit have priority access to the equipment in that zone.

5. No personal trainers are allowed in the gyms.

6. Members are expected to share equipment (including the Platinum Zone) and to be respectful. Between each session of using Platinum Zone equipment or each workout series, allow other members to use the space.

7. The use of a towel is mandatory everywhere and at all times. Please wipe down the devices after each use.

8. We have zero tolerance for aggressive words or actions towards employees and other members. The utmost courtesy and respect for others are required at all times.

9. Serious or repeated violations of the Members’ Code of Conduct may result in termination of membership.

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