Blog > Move
October 10, 2018
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Let’s face it, in life it’s great to have choice. Even more so when it comes to working out. And boy, are there a lot of workout options! There are so many, in fact, that it can be easy to get lost in all the options and feel overwhelmed by them. So Éconofitness has decided to help you out by presenting five of the latest workout trends.
Ideal for people who want to lose weight or improve their cardio.
This type of popular workout is simply about alternating between high-intensity exercises (for a short period) and low- to moderate-intensity exercises. Generally speaking, this type of workout session does not exceed 30 minutes.
For example, if you like running on a treadmill, you can run fast for 20 seconds, then reduce your speed (light jogging or brisk walking) for 10 seconds, and resume your fast running for another 20 seconds.
GoFitness ATHLETIK is a must-try group class when it comes to HIIT training. Intense yet easy, this interval workout also offers a variety of options based on your fitness level.
💛 Ideal for people on the go or who are only just beginning to work out.
Why are express workouts such a hit? Because people are increasingly busy or because they like to work out during their lunch break.
A short-on-time workout circuit like our
30-Minute Express Circuit allows busy people to do a full-body workout in just half an hour. When beginning a workout, the interactive display right by the 30-Minute Express Circuit will explain the circuit and how to adjust the equipment.
At Éconofitness, numerous classes such as
GoFitness ABS and
VELOCYCLE (15 or 30 minutes) have been created to meet the needs of our members who have very little time to work out. Simple, quick, and effective, these classes will easily fit into your tight schedule.
If you feel like working out individually and quickly in the gym, Coach Marc suggests a speedy a full-body gym workout in his article
Express Workout, Let’s go! Give it a try!
💛 Ideal for people who want to give their heart and legs a workout.
Now, this type of workout needs no introduction! Over the past years, cycling has gained popularity, and it is becoming more common to see cyclists of all levels on the streets in summer. But what about the rest of the year? Well, this sport can be practised indoors.
At Éconofitness,
VELOCYCLE classes are available in sessions of 15, 30, or 60 minutes during opening hours. This workout will allow you to spend a maximum of energy thanks to a series of intervals and sprints performed at varying intensities.
💛 Ideal for people who wish to improve their flexibility, reduce stress, and take time to breathe.
Many yoga-inspired classes are available on the market due to the strong demand of an overly stressed population that needs to clear its mind. Stretch those muscles, improve your flexibility and balance, and get a feeling of well-being with our
GoFitness ZEN YOGA or
GoFitness FLEX classes. But most importantly, take the time to breathe more, in order to breathe better!
Ideal for people who are looking to socialize and who love the group atmosphere.
A group atmosphere often helps us to achieve goals we have difficulty achieving alone. There’s nothing like being encouraged and supported by motivated and motivating people. At Éconofitness, virtual group fitness classes are perfect to create a feeling of belonging and an atmosphere of healthy competition. Whether for small, express workouts or more complete workouts, a variety of
virtual group fitness classes are available from on demand in
available gyms. Cardio, weight training, low impact, body and mind… What are you up for?
Éconofitness’s mission is to offer different types of workouts, regardless of the trends of the moment. In our gyms, you will find a friendly, intimidation-free atmosphere that allows you to explore different types of workouts and find the one that suits you. Remember that it’s when pleasure is part of the equation that we succeed in incorporating an activity into our daily life, and that it is beneficial for our mind and body to vary our training over time.